Happy Steve

Innovation and Learning

Start with clarity of intent.

Now build it out with an evocative vision. Improvise progress by tinkering: with lots of trial and lots of error. The not knowing is the best bit: the mysteries the surprises, and from time to time the windfalls! 

Hello there, I'm Steve Collis! 

Click on "contact", won't you, and wave right back at me?


March 17, Sydney, Australia, Connecting Pedagogy & Learning Space Design Conference

Past Presentations & Keynotes:


June, WEBINAR ‘Hybrid How To’

June, ASBA ‘What’s happening in the workplace’

April, WEBINAR ‘How Much Space Do We Need?’


November, WEBINAR ‘The Office: What Now”

November 13, RELEARN What’s Happening in the Workplace (And What Does it Mean for Schools)

September 16, What Schools Can Learn From Workplaces (and Vice Versa)

September 17, LearnX Designing for Emergent Learning

August 6, Hundred Glocal, Touchline

March 17, Sydney, Australia, Connecting Pedagogy & Learning Space Design Conference


November 13, Sydney, Australasian Laboratory Management Conference

September 20-22, Sydney, Australia, DEX Conference

August 22, Sydney, Australia, GLEAM Forum

March 20, Sydney, Australia, Office Space Conference


June 21, Brisbane, Australia, A4LE LEAQ Symposium

October 15, Brisbane, Australia, Dazed or Dazzled


March - Melbourne, Keynote, New Generation Learning Design

June - Sydney, Australia, NSW AIS Languages

June - Anchorage, Alaska, Keynote A4LE Conference

August - Perth, Australia, Keynote, MLTA Conference


November 16 - Making it Mobile, Sydney
July 13 - NS5 Conference Workshop
May 28 - Keynote, Creating Contemporary Learning Conference
June 15 - Digital Education Show Malaysia
March 13 - Opening speaker, TEDx Rosalind Park
March 14 - Keynote DLTV Geelong
January - various schools in Auckland


September, Keynote, Newcastle Catholic Primary Learning Technology Forum 

October, Keynote, South Eastern Victorian Principals Conference

November, Keynote, Making it Mobile, Sydney

March, Keynote, Making it Mobile, Sydney

August, Various @ Expanding Learning Horizons Conference


March 15, Keynote, McCrindle Education Future Forum, Sydney

April 4, Keynote, AIS WA Technology for Languages Workshop, Perth

April 5, Keynote, TOFA Conference, Perth 

August 8-10, Keynote @ ACSI IT Conference, South Africa

August 18-20, Expanding Learning Horizons Conference, Lorne

September 5-6, Keynote, Making it Mobile , Adelaide 

October 3 and 4, Keynote @ Moodle Moot, Sydney

November, Keynote & Workshop Making it Mobile, Auckland


March 22-23, Making it Mobile, SCIL

April 27, Boston Tech Forum

Conference day, St Margaret's & St. Aidan's Qld.

April 30 - May 2, Vancouver Symposium (book me up while I'm in town?)

June 22, IEU Conference 'We Connect'

June 25, NSW CEN Conference

June 26-27, Era5 Conference, Qld

July 9, THACCCSA Conference

August 13, Sacred Heart, Mosman

August 19-21, Expanding Learning Horizons, Lorne, Vic

September 6 & 7, Lutheran Middle Years Conference, S.A.

September 13 & 14, Making it Mobile, Melbourne

September 19, S.Qld Seventh Day Adventists Schools

November 22 and 23, Making it Mobile, Auckland


Vision facilitation at Monte School,  Sydney

Learning with Vision Conference, "Anarchy in Learning" (see THIS POST)

Independent Schools Queensland, ERA4 Conference, 'Changing Space'

Expanding Learning Horizons Conference, 'Professional Development and the Web'

MYSA Conference, 3D Virtual Worlds for Learning, notes available here.

ERA4 Conference, When Technology is a Game-Changer, notes available here.

The Vancouver Symposium on Christian Education for the 21st Century, with Gord Holden, Exploring Education in Virtual World Experiences. In the video, I speak for the second half. 



ISQ Virtual PD Program, presenter

SCIL Workshop, Real Audience Project

Expanding Learning Horizons Conference, 22nd - 24th August, 2010 How to run an Internet Radio Station

ACEC Conference 2010, various presentations http://acec2010.info/



September 27th, 2009: Jokaydia Unconference, in Second Life: (Sunday 27th September) on Virtual Worlds: "Running a Closed Estate for our High School - our journey."


Expanding Learning Horizons Conference 16th-18th August, 2009: Real Audience Project. http://www.computelec.com.au/elh2009/program/elh/default.aspx

Education Revolution in Action conference - Queensland, Australia 22nd-23rd June, 2009
- "
Moodle for unleashed learning"
- "Run a School Internet Radio Station with Audacity"



8th September - Pymble Ladies College
Topic: Moodle.

Lorne, Victoria - Expanding Learning Horizons Conference. 

Student Blogging and Mobile Phones

NSW IT Managers Conference

From 0 to 100 kmh with Moodle

Christian Schools Australia Conference

Future Learning, Anytime, Anywhere, using Internet Technologies
Beyond Borders

Victoria, Languages Professional Development
Beyond Borders

Sydney, Association of Independent Schools
Collabor8 - the perfect place for language students

Sydney, Macquarie University

Beyond Borders



Cambodia, Microsoft Asia-Pacific Innovative Teachers Conference

Beyond Borders

Victoria, Expanding Learning Horizons Conference

- Instructional Videocasts with Camtasia
Beyond Borders

Canberra, National Awards for Quality Schooling

- professional experience exchange sessions

Brisbane, Teaching Australia Master Classes
Beyond Borders

Townsville, Teaching Australia Master Classes
Beyond Borders

Sydney, Microsoft Vista Roadshow
Innovative Teachers Showcase

Sydney, Association of Independent Schools
- Expanding Language Skills Through Technology

Sydney, Une Journée Pas Comme Les Autres
Beyond Borders

Sydney, Cheltenham Girls High
-  Beyond Borders

Sydney, University of Sydney
Beyond Borders

Auckland, New Zealand Association of Language Teachers Conference
Beyond Borders

Sydney, Une Journée Pas Comme Les Autres
- teaching gifted and talented students

Sydney, ran teacher training at Covenant Christian School on using Moodle

Sydney, ran teacher training at North Sydney Girls High on using Moodle

Sydney, NSW Association of French Teachers conference day
Beyond Borders

Cairns, Australian Computers in Education Conference

- receipt of Microsoft Innovative Teachers Award

Also Worked With: 

St Mark's, Stanhope

SWSi Tafe, NSW

St Philomena's, Moree

Bethania Lutheran School, Qld

CORE Ed, New Zealand

Rolleston Cluster, New Zealand

Kirwee Model School, New Zealand

Marian College, Griffith

St Patrick's Primary, Lithgow

Wesley College, Perth

Carlingford West Primary School

Hastings Secondary College, Port Macquarie

St Francis de Sales, Leeton

Marian Catholic College, Griffith

Lambton High, Lambton

Uniting Church Australia, North Parramatta

Dandenong Primary School

St Mark's Catholic College, Stanhope

LaTrobe University, Bendigo

Bethania Primary, Qld

Immanuel Primary, SA

Cornerstone College, SA

John Paul College, QLD

Freeman's Bay Primary, AUCKLAND

Matakana Primary School, AUCKLAND

Redeemer Lutheran College, QLD

St Mary Star of the Sea, WOLLONGONG

Firbank Grammar School, VIC

Narraweena Primary School, NSW

Turramurra High School, NSW

Macarthur Girls High, NSW

Margaret Jurd College, NSW

Marian College, NSW


Margaret's/St Aiden's, QLD

Sacred Heart, NSW

Mater Dei, NSW

St Augustine's, NSW 

Kincoppal, Rose Bay, NSW