Happy Steve

Innovation and Learning

Start with clarity of intent.

Now build it out with an evocative vision. Improvise progress by tinkering: with lots of trial and lots of error. The not knowing is the best bit: the mysteries the surprises, and from time to time the windfalls! 

Hello there, I'm Steve Collis! 

Click on "contact", won't you, and wave right back at me?

Adrian Bruce, & the "Go Teach This" Story

This post is directed at Primary school teachers, and especially literacy and numeracy, and is about a website with resources and its author, my friend, Adrian Bruce.

This is my third and final post spruiking an opportunity! The previous two were:

I conclude today with a hearty accolade for a friend and colleague whom I admire: Adrian Bruce, and a shameless plug for his new website - "Go Teach This". Let me quickly do the shameless plug first and then finish with the personal accolade! 

The Shameless Plug

His website, www.goteachthis.com, makes available his home-made resources for Primary literacy and numeracy activities. Some resources are free, and some cost a couple of dollars. There are posters, game cards, board games, flash cards, and the like.

They are all original, custom crafted by Adrian, and with designs that draw on his long and successful experience as a Primary school teacher!

So check it out! And now for the accolade:

The Accolade

I first met Adrian at a conference where he was running long, deep, hands-on sessions on providing students with opportunities to be creative using ICT. I learned Adrian was a long time Primary teacher, a fellow INTJ, and a fellow Microsoft Innovative teacher awardee. Well we hit it off!

During a break time I saw him sketching something with a pencil, and asked him about it: he was designing a new graphic for a mathematics game. 

I warmed to Adrian quickly because he is very real, and honest, and not distracted by the latest edu-craze. He values, like I do, practical plans that provide practical opportunities for young learners. He is a do-er, not a talker. 

Adrian's older website (still running)

Adrian's older website (still running)

For some years now Adrian has been making a living out of creating original content and offering it to educators. I believe strongly in the value of the small entrepreneur, and I admire and respect Adrian's courage to take this difficult path of self-employment, for the benefit of other educators. 

His old website (LEFT) continues to offer a plethora of original, creative resources at no cost.

In this age of content-mashups, I particularly value Adrian's contribution in publishing high quality, original resources. I want to see him succeed! I'm barracking for him!

It's been a while since it occurred to me that I could support his initiative in a small way with a blog post.

Adrian, keep up the good work, and I hope this post brings more educators your way!